EBS R12.2 Autoconfig Failed. Resolved


Please do the following and retest the issue:

Due to the method required for "cleaning out" / "re-synchronizing" the following tables, it is EXPECTED / REQUIRED that the Applications have been shutdown.

The only thing running should be the Database Tier.


A full backup should also be taken before any testing begins.

Test the following steps in a development instance, and then migrate accordingly once the desired result is confirmed:

1. Backup the fnd_oam_context_files, fnd_nodes, and adop_valid_nodes tables in the EBS env:
sqlplus applsys/pwd

create table fnd_oam_context_files_bkp as select * from fnd_oam_context_files;
create table fnd_nodes_bk as select * from fnd_nodes;
create table adop_valid_nodes_bk as select * from adop_valid_nodes;

2. Truncate the following tables:

truncate table fnd_oam_context_files;

truncate table fnd_nodes;

truncate table adop_valid_nodes;

3. Run AutoConfig on the DB tier
Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully

4. Run Autoconfig on the run file system.
Confirm Autoconfig completes successfully

5. Run Autoconfig on the patch file system<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Ensure Patch FS is sourced prior to running adconfig

*************************************8Before running Autoconfig on the patch file system the ebs_login trigger MUST be disabled
After the successful completion of Autoconfig the ebs_login trigger MUST be re-enabled.

This needs to be done as the SYSTEM schema user.

a. Disable the ebs_login trigger using the following SQL.

SQL> alter trigger ebs_logon disable;

At this time Run autoconfig with the patch env sourced.
Make sure Autoconfig completes ok

b. Enable the ebs_login trigger using the following SQL.

SQL> alter trigger ebs_logon enable;

6. After Autoconfig has been run successfully on all nodes, run the following two (2) queries in order to verify the tables have been correctly populated:


set pagesize 5
set linesize 132
col node_name format a15
col server_id format a8
col server_address format a15
col platform_code format a4
col webhost format a12
col domain format a20
col virtual_ip format a12

select node_id, platform_code, support_db D, support_cp C, support_admin A,
support_forms F, support_web W, node_name, server_id,
server_address, domain, webhost, virtual_ip, status
from fnd_nodes
order by node_id;


set pagesize 5
set linesize 132

col NAME format A20
col VERSION format A12
col PATH format A110
col STATUS format A10




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