
Showing posts from June, 2017

Enabling and Getting Trace file of a concurrent request

1) Enable Trace of a concurrent request: Please enable trace on the concurrent program using the following steps:   Go to Sysadmin > Concurrent > Program > Define   Query the concurrent program   Check the trace box to enable trace   2) Fatching the trace file location: The following query helps to identify the Trace file path location for a particular Concurrent Request Pass the request id as parameter   SQL Code: SELECT     req . request_id       , req . logfile_node_name node       , req . oracle_Process_id       , req . enable_trace       , dest . VALUE || '/' || LOWER ( dbnm . VALUE ) || '_ora_' || oracle_process_id || '.trc'   trace_filename       , prog . user_concurrent_program_name       , execname . execution_file_name       , execname . subroutine_name       , phase_code       , status_code       , ses . SID       , ses . serial#       , ses . module       , ses . machine       FROM     fnd_concurrent_requests req       , v$session