Enabling and Getting Trace file of a concurrent request

1) Enable Trace of a concurrent request:

Please enable trace on the concurrent program using the following steps: 
Go to Sysadmin > Concurrent > Program > Define 
Query the concurrent program 
Check the trace box to enable trace 

2) Fatching the trace file location:

The following query helps to identify the Trace file path location for a particular Concurrent Request

Pass the request id as parameter 

SQL Code:

    ,req.logfile_node_name node
    ,dest.VALUE||'/'||LOWER(dbnm.VALUE)||'_ora_'||oracle_process_id||'.trc' trace_filename
    fnd_concurrent_requests req
    ,v$session ses
    ,v$process proc
    ,v$parameter dest
    ,v$parameter dbnm
    ,fnd_concurrent_programs_vl prog
    ,fnd_executables execname
    WHERE 1=1
    AND req.request_id = &request --Request ID
    AND req.oracle_process_id=proc.spid(+)
    AND proc.addr = ses.paddr(+)
    AND dest.NAME='user_dump_dest'
    AND dbnm.NAME='db_name'
    AND req.concurrent_program_id = prog.concurrent_program_id
    AND req.program_application_id = prog.application_id
    AND prog.application_id = execname.application_id
    AND prog.executable_id=execname.executable_id:


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