How to send all the notifications to a single email address ( Workflow mailer EBS R12 )

Option 1:

Configure From Front end:

The Override Address is set after the clone is completed as it will be set in OAM. Oracle Workflow sends the Notification Mailer Override Address Verification message when an administrator sets an override address where the notification mailer should send all outgoing e-mail notifications for testing purposes. It can be set as follows:
1. To setup Test Override please do the following:
a. Please log in to OAM.
b. Select Workflow Manager from "Navigate to" LOV and click "GO".
c. Click "Notification Mailers".
d. Click "View Details".
e. Click "Set Override Address".
f. Populate "New Override Address" with a Test address and click "Submit".
g. Populate the verification code that appears in the email notification that was sent to the 'Override Address' and click "APPLY". Example: Verification Code: 896424928
h. Conformation of the change will be provided by the Java Mailer Setup.

2. Test the issue by generating Notification Mail.


Option 2:

Configure from Backend:

Please use the following script $FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql

This will enable to change any and all or your Mailer components.

A. Run the script
B. It will show you the components - pick the comp id for the Workflow Mailer - default is 10006 
C. then it will show you the parameters and their values for the mailer
D. Pick the comp param id for the Override address (it will say Test Address ) - default is 10093

It will show you

You have selected parameter : Test Address
Current value of parameter : NONE

Enter a value for the parameter : <Here you will put the email address you want >

How to set Workflow Mailer Override Address from Backend ? (Doc ID 1533596.1)

How Does One Set Oracle Workflow Override Address After A Clone. (Doc ID 1623032.1) 


  1. I tried to override address in workflow mailer but not getting any verification code.Please suggest what to do?


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